Sunday, January 6, 2013

Morning Moods- BEWARE!!!

I don't claim to be a morning person. In fact, I prefer to be alone when I wake up to enjoy my first cup of coffee without having to talk to anyone. But, I don't feel that I wake up in a bad mood. It just takes a little time to get started. My daughter, however, is so NOT a morning person! She is horrible to be around for about a half hour upon waking. God forbid we talk to her. Today, she comes downstairs with a look that could kill on her face. She sits down at the breakfast bar and huffs- an attention getting scheme, I feel. I ask her if she would like some eggs and she replies, "yuck- no". Being her short order cook, I then ask what it is the little princess would like (I don't think I have to tell you how that comment went over). She gruffly states she would like waffles. I do as instructed and make the little joy waffles to which I add butter. WRONG MOVE!!! Turns out, today she decided to despise butter. Since I did not get this months calendar of gross things, I was not aware of the huge mistake that I made! She huffs and grunts and tells me how gross butter is but since I already put it on, "get me the sugar". I ask what the sugar is for and she tells me that she needs it since I put butter on her waffles. ????? I did not ask and left the room as quickly as possible so as not to inadvertently set off the beast again.

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